Ontario, 2009
University of Western Ontario, LLB 2008
Queen’s University, Hon. B.Sc. 2004
Accredited Family Mediator (AccFM) with the Ontario Association for Family Mediation (OAFM).
Alex has a broad practice in all areas of family law, including high conflict parenting issues and complex financial matters. She is a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers with experience in jurisdictional issues and Hague convention cases. She is a strategic litigator, who has successfully represented clients at all levels of court in Ontario. Wherever possible, she strives to resolve family conflicts out of court through negotiation and alternative methods of dispute resolution. Alex is also an accredited Family Law Mediator, and is trained in collaborative family law and family law arbitration. She acts as a Parenting Coordinator and assists families to implement their parenting agreements and court orders. Alex co-authors the family law section of the leading book on Ontario’s civil rules of court, Holmested and Watson Ontario Civil Procedure.
CPD Liaison for the Ontario Bar Association's Family Law Executive (2023-2024)
Co-Chair, Tricky Evidentiary Issues in Family Law, Advocates' Society (June 2, 2023)
Chair of the Family Law Executive of The Advocates' Society for the 2022-2023 session and previously sat on the Young Advocates' Standing Committee.
Member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Advocates' Society, the Family Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association, the Canadian Bar Association and the Collaborative Divorce Toronto.
Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers.
Alex sits on the panel of the Advice and Settlement Counsel (ASC) project at the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto and volunteers on the roster of the Emergency Family Law Referral Line.
Panel Member “Dealing with post-separation adjustments to asset values.” OBA’s Thirteenth Annual Bread and Butter Issues in Family Law (October 7, 2022)
Co-Chair of program on ABC's of PGT, Amicus and State-Appointed Counsel, Advocates’ Society (February 7, 2022)
Presenter, Family Law Arbitration Case Law Update, Riverdale Mediation (January 27, 2021)
Guest Lecturer at Ryerson University’s School of Business Management on “Dispute Resolution” (November 2019 and March 2020)
Holmested and Watson: Ontario Civil Procedure, FLR Introduction – Introduction to the Family Law Rules, Alexandra Carr and Adrienne Novak (September 2019)
A Q&A Guide to Family Law in Canada: Ontario, Thomson Reuters Practical Law (in association with European Lawyer), Esther Lenkinski and Alexandra Carr (June 2019)
Guest Lecturer at the University of Guelph’s Gordon S. Land School of Business and Economics on “Dispute Resolution” (March 2019)
A Q&A Guide to Family Law in Canada: Ontario, Thomson Reuters Practical Law (in association with European Lawyer), Esther Lenkinski and Alexandra Carr (October 2017)
The Availability of Trust Income for Child Support, Esther Lenkinski and Alexandra Carr, Money and Family Law, July 2015
Halsbury’s Laws of Canada: Family (2014 Reissue and 2018 Reissue), Esther Lenkinski and Alexandra Carr, LexisNexis Canada
"The Enforceability of Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Class Proceedings in Ontario," by J. Adam Dewar and Alexandra Carr (2010) Federated Press, Commercial Litigation Section, Vol. XIII, No. 4, 734-736.