Ontario, 1975
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, LL.B., 1975
University of Toronto, Hon. B.A., 1970
Harvard Mediation Program, 1998
Esther L. Lenkinski has been practising family law and estates litigation exclusively for more than 40 years. She has developed a formidable reputation for taking on new cases or issues that push the boundaries of the law. She is a Certified Specialist in family law and has been named a "Lawyer's Lawyer” by the Canadian Lawyer. Esther frequently appears as a panellist and lecturer at various legal education programs in family law and is one of five co-authors of “Ontario Family Law Practice”, which has been referred to by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice as the “bible”.
Member of The Law Society of Upper Canada, the Canadian Bar Association and the Advocates' Society.
Former Head of the Advocates’ Society family law section and is an active member and Past President of the Canadian Chapter of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
Former member of the executive of the Family Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association.
Ontario Family Law Practice, 2002 to present (David M. Steinberg, Craig Perkins, Esther L. Lenkinski and Andrew James. LexisNexis Canada Inc.)
34 Days, Two Experts and an Overnight: a Critique of M v F, 2013 ONSC 6089 and M. v. F., 2015 ONCA 277 Shawn Richard and Esther Lenkinski. 5th Annual Recent Developments and Complex Issues in Child and Spousal Support, October 5, 2015.
The Availability of Trust Income for Child Support Esther Lenkinski and Alexandra Carr, Money and Family Law, July 2015
The Value of Date of Marriage Debt: Zavarella v. Zavarella, 2013 ONCA 720 Shawn Richard and Esther Lenkinski. 3rd Annual Recent Developments and Complex Issues in Property and Equalization, April 14, 2014
Halsbury’s Laws of Canada: Family (2014 Reissue) Esther Lenkinski and Alexandra Carr, LexisNexis Canada
Canada Q&A, Practical Law Family Multi-jurisdictional Guide (in association with European Lawyer) Esther Lenkinski and Alexandra Carr
Legal Bullying: Abusive Litigation within Family Law Proceedings Esther Lenkinski, Barbara Orser and Alana Schwartz, (2004) 22 C.F.L.Q. 337
Child Support - Factoring In the Older Child, the III Child and the Child Who Can’t Withdraw, 2004
Operation Update 2003, published by Ontario Bar Association, 2003
Preservation Orders and Mareva Injunctions 2002, Co-author published by Ontario Bar Association, 2002
Family and Estate Law Issues for the Power of Attorney 2002, Co-author published by The Law Society of Upper Canada, 2002
For The Record: Leading Family Law Decisions for 2001 published by the Ontario Bar Association, 2001
New Trends In Child Support Or How I Learned To Ignore The Tables And Love the Law, published by Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, 2001
Pensions, The Six-Minute Lawyer, published by Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, 2000
Arbitration in Estates, published by the Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, 1995
The Arbitration Process in Family Law, published by The Advocates Society, 1994
Circumventing the Family Law Act, 1993
Guarantees, published by Insight Seminars, 1988
Pitfalls in The Family Law Act after One Year, published by Insight, 1987
Practical Guide to the Family Law Act, 1986, Carswell
The Equalizer, The Family Law Act, published by Insight, 1985
Presenter, Cambridge Forums, “Roll the Dice: Who’s Going to Pay”, November 19, 2019
Federation of Law Societies of Canada, St. John’s, Newfoundland, “Complexities, Realities and the Role of Family Lawyers in Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence and other Forms of Family Violence", July 12, 2016
Presenter, Osgoode Hall Law School, 3rd Annual Recent Developments and Complex Issues in Property and Equalization, April 2014
Presenter, International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Family Law presentation, 2011
Presenter, Ontario Bar Association, “Operation Update”, 2010
Presenter, Ontario Bar Association, “What’s So Hard about Spousal Support”, 2010
Presenter, Ontario Bar Association, “Conduct of the Family Law Trial”, 2009
Presenter, Ontario Bar Association, “Remedies for Unfair Tactics in Family Law”, 2008
Presenter, Ontario Bar Association, “Constructive and Resulting Trust”, 2007
Presenter, CLE Family Law Summit, 2007
Presenter, Law Society of Upper Canada, “Child Support and Shared Custody”, 2004
Presenter, Law Society of Upper Canada, “Factoring in the Older Child, the III child, The Child Who Can’t Withdraw”, 2001
Presenter, The Canadian Institute, “Tactics and Strategy on Examinations and Motions in Matrimonial Cases”, 2002
Presenter, The Law Society of Upper Canada, “Dealing With Family Law Issues in the Context of Incapacity”, 2002
Reviewer of Articles for Canadian Journal of Family Law
Presenter, Ontario Bar Association, “Operation Update 2001”
Presenter, Canadian Bar Association, “New Trends and Protective Strategies in Family Law Constructive Trust Cases”, 2001
Occasional Lecturer, Queens Law School, Trial Advocacy, 2001
Presenter, Canadian Bar Association, “New Trends in Child Support or How I Learned to Ignore the Tables and Love the Law”, 2001
Presenter, Canadian Bar Association, “Bulls, Bears and Family Law”, 2000
Presenter, Canadian Bar Association, The Six-Minute Family Lawyer, “Double-Dipping and Pensions”, 2000